This article was inspired by dreams that I had a few years ago. In my dream my two friends were sleeping in their beds during a fire that broke out in their home. I walked into their house and I could see the smoke. My body was like a supernatural being, because didn't get consumed in the fire. I walked up the stairs to see more smoke at around every where. When I entered the master bedroom the two of them where sound a sleep and looked so peaceful. I began screaming on top of my lungs trying to move them and wake the up nothing worked. Despite my best effort to wake them, I was left with no option other than to watch them burn up in the fire. The fire God is sending will either wake you up, or you will continue to sleep and the fire will totally consume you.
I didn't have the revelation of this dream until now. America is nation of many sleeping giants. We awoke for only a short while after 911 occurred but then after a few months we fell back into deep slumber. When we go back to study major events such as Noah and the flood or Sodom Gomorrah then we see that God warned his people to repent and get right with Him. The people had a choice to turn back from their ways and repent, but they chose to continue to live their lives unholy and unclean; they continued to live their life out of fellowship with God.
I traveled back to New York for the first time it was great experience. This weekend I had to repent and correct things in my life, because Holy Spirit convicted me. Things of this world can seem and feel so right, but the very thing that seems so right to us can end up costing us eternity away from Jesus. The Lord allowed me to see a side of sin that gave me sour taste in mouth. I watched many people live a life that is free spirited life without Jesus. On outside people seemed happy, but the inside they struggled with worldly desires and sin. Sin needs to be separated out of our lives. The world has things that can look innocence, but the things of the world can trap from seeing Gods the truth.
When I was traveling on the train into New York City I felt very cold feeling came over me. I could see dark gray clouds surrounding the train into the city. Observing the people on the train and in the city their hearts seem very cold, cold to God and the things of God. If you could look in the supernatural the souls looked gray. In my experience this weekend I saw the true light of peoples heart and the way the live their life with such carelessness. We must live our life right with God in every area. There is no gray area with God. You are either living for God or living in the world. We are either Hot or Cold for the Lord. Christians fall into sin and worldly things very easily by not keeping focused and seeking a deep relationship with the Lord. Living our lives for Jesus is daily walk... Every day can be challenge, but the end to live in eternity with Jesus is better than anything we can ask for.
When I was round the age of 11 the Lord showed me a bomb that goes off in Manhattan that is in the Ground and above ground. When you would look down on a map of the New York it was just covered in dark smoke that was also caused by fires and chemical waste that fills the air from some type of explosion. This warning that the Lord is showing over and over again. Let me explain something. God will allow things to happen to awake this sleeping nation. I pray that God will save this nation and his people from great terror, but something will happen it is eminent. In Psalms 91 we read that God will be our protector, if we trust in Him. Psalms 91:1 Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty. 2 I will say to the Lord, "You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust you." God can stop things from happening, but we must be right standing with the Lord. Psalms 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe .
In the bible examples with Noah and Sodom Gomorrah the Lord warned people before they were wiped out. I pray that this nation will take heed of the warning to repent and not fall a sleep in such deep slumber that they don't have chance to repent before eternity in Hell. Our nation is about to deal with such great terror that hearts of men will fail. I pray that you will take this article as warning in your own life to prepare for the days a head spiritually and physically. Don't be asleep when the Trumpets sound in Heaven!
Written By: Cristy Martin
Posted: July 25, 2008