Written by Cristy Martin
Are You Looking For A Sign & A Wonder?
Matthew 12:39 “But he answered and said unto them, an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” Jesus lived His whole life with those who wanted Him to give them a sign or wonder. Prove You are who You say You are. In other words, “Make me feel good and secure, give me something that will make me feel special!”
Jesus turned present day theology on it's head by saying, John 12:25, "Any one who loves his life loses it. But any one who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.: Whoever has no love for, no concern for, no regard for his life here on the earth, but despises, preserves his life forever and ever.” (Amplified)
Why does this generation want a sign and a wonder? Why don't we just want God himself? What makes someone run after a sign and run away from worshiping the only TRUE God? Why do people make a god out of a sign and hardly even mention the name of Jesus? Now that makes me wonder. Wonder why that passion cannot be spent on worshiping and loving Jesus Christ and God our Father. Leaders, what are you leading people into? Are you leading people to a sign or wonder? Is a stone or gem grander than the Creator Himself? Is the gem or stone grander than His creation of just one the mountains He created? For one stone is just a part of the whole. Why worship one gem, when you can have fellowship with the Creator of those gems! God's love is so great for us, He wants to be loved, just as you want to be loved! He wants to be loved, just for who He is, not for what we get from Him.
Colossians 2:7 “Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit.” Our roots have to be in Him. Everything we do must be in Him. If we are not, then what are we rooted in? Why do we seek for just one sign of one gem, when His whole creation screams that He alone is God! The stars in the heavens declare His glory. What more do we want?
Matthew 7:22 & 23 This scripture gives a sobering wake up call to anyone who thinks because they do and show forth signs & wonders, then everything must be ok with me and my God.
Written By: Cheryl Lundberg
Continued below by: Cristy Martin
2 Timothy 4:1 Everyday Study Bible “I give you a command in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, the One who will judge the living and the dead, and by his coming and his kingdom: Preach the Good News. Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with great patience and careful teaching, because the time will come when people will not listen to the true teaching but will find teachers who please them by saying the things they want to hear. When the word has been interpreted wrong. Preach the good news and be ready at all times.This doesn't mean preach the word, that is their version of the word that only makes one feel good about themselves and that will keep them giving and double my pocket book. The Anti-Christ spirit says, "We must not criticize or say anything negative or offending to others." If the Ten Commandments offend you then that is a wake up call to repent. The bible says in verse 3 “Tell them when they are wrong.” Lord wants us to speak His word. Leadership needs to be careful and teach how God would want us to teach His word. Encouraging the people to lay down their flesh and live for God.
4 “They will stop listening to the truth and will begin to follow false stories. But you should control yourself at all times, accept troubles, do the work of telling the Good News, and complete all the duties of a servant of God. My life is being given as an offering to God and the time has come for me to leave this life. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. Now, a crown is being held for me ---a crown for being right with God. The Lord, the judge who judges rightly, will give the crown to me on that day not only to me but to all those who have waited with love for him to come again.”
The false move is here! There the pastors, prophets, leaders who are leading the people in error. It is not time for the feel good message, but for the soul saving message (which is listening to the voice of God and preaching His word). We are entering a time when God is sounding the trumpet to awake His people out of slumber and for the ones who will awake to follow Christ they will make it to Heaven. The others who ignore the sound and God's voice will walk straight into Hell. I was in a Christian conference this year. The Lord had me go and I sat in the row by myself. I was wondering why the Lord wanted me to go. I asked the Lord,"Why am I here?" The Holy Spirit came all over me and my ears began to burn. I looked around the conference hall which occupied about 300 people. The Lord told me that only 3 of them were going to make it to Heaven. If the Lord returned right now, these 3 would be up in Heaven. I felt grieved in my spirit. What are we preaching that will cause so many souls to make it to Hell. Are we teaching the word? Or are we teaching the message that makes us feel good through demanding signs and wonders?
I must tell you all about these things, because some of you will not make it to Heaven if I stay quiet. God loves you so much and desires to talk with you. I pray that your ears will be open to listen to God's voice. I pray that you will obey His word and follow after God's footsteps, not man.