Written by Cristy Martin
Leaders in the Church
Many pastors and leaders throughout America have eyes that have been closed for some time now. The devil has deceived many of you. You think that you are pleasing the Lord by preaching the word of God and controlling, manipulating the Spirit of God. This is denying the power of the Holy Spirit. I see a picture of Hell and thousands upon thousands are marching under the control of satan and are blind to the truth of God. Some were saints that have fallen from the Lord. This is time now to wake up and stand for Christ. Let the Lord change your heart and change your mind. Come Now!! Leaders I am talking to you. Great responsibility comes with being leader in the body of Christ. Right now we have leaders, pastors, ministers, prophets, apostles that are in sin. Come on! We have leaders who are in sin some are sleeping around in the church. Come on! Sin is everywhere! There is no Justice in our churches!! The children and the young people being molested, raped, and getting pregnant in our churches. No righteousness! Pastors and leaders come on you can do something about this. Don't wait until God says, enough is enough. That day I am afraid is already here. I have seen in the Spirit many Pastors handing over their churches and some of them dying at the pulpit. Church go back to the foundation of righteousness and justice in the word of God. Purify your hearts today, before it is too late!
To the world with love Sister in Christ: Cristy Martin
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