Written by Cristy Martin
God has been showing me the hearts of people who appear to be believers. I have seen and heard of Pastors, Evangelists, Ministers, Teachers, and Servants do what nonbelievers enjoy. I Peter 4:2 You were guilty of sexual sins, evil desires, drunkenness, wild and drunken parties, and hateful idol worship. (Study Version) It doesn't stop here! The body has been under deception. We think that we are not sinning in eyes of God, but we are slowly turning away from God. We are so consumed with our desires and needs that we choose when and how we serve the Lord. Many leaders out there in body will only preach the word of God in their timing and share the gospel on their terms. How we have gotten so off God's path? Where has it gone so wrong? We need die to our flesh to live for God!
I have seen leaders so worried and insecure that they let satan use them to control others. Come on some of you leaders out there are just puppets for satan. Satan is using you has a puppet to take souls away from going to the kingdom of God. Leaders in the body are not submitting themselves to God. Instead they are controlling and manipulating their role in leadership. They are carrying the Antichrist Spirit. Many are consumed with materialism, money, authority. Watch out they are the Lions that will devour the sheep and praise the sinners. Our eyes must be open to Gods will. We must die to our flesh, so we can live for God. Our souls depend on it!
Hebrew 12:25 Be careful and do not refuse to listen when God speaks. Others refused to listen to him when he warned them on earth, and they did not escape. So it will be worse for us if we refuse to listen to God who warns us from Heaven.
Written by Cristy Martin on June 14th, 2006